Samer Anis Mansour Mouasher, a native of Amman, Jordan, is an accomplished entrepreneur with a passion for showcasing the real and genuine Middle East to the world. With over 30 years of experience in eco-tourism, sustainability, green energy, hospitality, tourism, real estate, technology, cosmetics, and entertainment, Mr Mouasher has established numerous successful companies and non-profit organizations.
He splits his time between LA, London, Shanghai, and Amman, but resides mainly in Amman with his family. Mr Mouasher holds a Business Masters Institutions Certificate, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Photography, and Economics from Northwestern University with Magna Cum Laude. He is married to Eveline Mouasher and is the proud father of three daughters.
Samer Mouasher possesses a remarkable portfolio of interests. He has held several directorial positions, including Executive Commissioner and co-founder of the Royal Film Commission of Jordan, Founder and Chairman of the Red Sea Institute for Cinematic Arts, Director of Royal Jordanian Airlines, Director of Royal Wings Airlines, Director of Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Director of Petra National Trust, Director of Jordan Heritage Revival Company, Director of Saraya Holdings, and Director of the Ornithological Society of the Middle East.
Affiliations in the Tourism Sector
Samer Mouasher is dedicated to eco-tourism and sustainability development in Jordan. Mr Mouasher’s expertise on both the national and international travel scene makes him a key supporter of Jordanian tourism businesses.
Samer Mouasher is affiliated with various organizations in the tourism industry, such as the United States Tour Operator Association, Society of Incentive Travel and Executives, Green Globe, American Society of Travel Agents, Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, Petra National Trust, Royal Jordanian Ecological Diving Society, and the Jordan Tourism Board.
Contributions to Jordanian Eco-Tourism
Samer Mouasher is known for his dedication to promoting the authentic Middle East, including its history, culture, and natural beauty. He is committed to making a positive impact on the world, not just in the business sphere, but also in the areas of sustainability, conservation, and cultural heritage preservation.
Mr Mouasher is an invaluable driving force of Discovery Global Holdings, which at its inception was the first eco-tourism company in Jordan. In addition to being the Chairman of Discovery Circle Tours, Mr Mouasher is also the Chairman and CEO of Discovery Eco Tourism, Discovery Foundation, Discovery Tourism Development, and Bespoke Discovery.